Please keep on scrolling to find English-language event information, a little further below! 🙂

Wo auch immer Menschen arbeiten, passieren Fehler. Das ist ganz normal… aber ein Grund mehr, genauer hinzuschauen, einander auf Probleme hinzuweisen und gemeinsam nach Lösungen zu suchen. Denn wenn es besser geht, müssen wir es auch besser machen – das sind wir unseren Tieren schuldig.
Deshalb haben wir das Event „Unsuck Your Science“ auf die Beine gestellt. In der Hoffnung, möglichst viele Menschen zusammenbringen, obwohl wir als kleiner Verein ja recht unsichtbar sind.
Am 21. April 2021 war es dann erstmals soweit… und es waren tatsächlich knapp 500 meist junge Forscher:innen von Anfang bis Ende dabei!

As students and postdocs, we’re the actual crew of this ship called Science. Some of us get to stand on deck and enjoy the public applause. But more often than not, we’re just busy working deep down in the engine room. And that can be a privilege, because few other jobs are as interesting and rewarding as ours!
We want to do our job well. We care about our research. And though almost everyone around is well-intentioned, we can see much we don’t like – a flawed analysis here, a missing control experiment there, wishful thinking by our boss. Because we’re often the only ones to see that something’s broken, we’re also the only ones who can fix it. This holds especially true when performing animal experiments. We care about our lab animals. Taking responsibility for the life and death of another creature is never easy, but if done correctly, animal experiments can be both ethically sound and scientifically valid. So how do you know you’re doing it right? And how can you do even better in the future?
Join us online on Wednesday 21 April 2021, 2-5 pm.
In our online seminar, 8 researchers will share their own solutions to 8 common issues. In addition to these practical fixes, we will highlight how better communications within your lab (and with the outside world) can enable such improvements in the first place. Joined by a panel of experts, we will then discuss what still makes it hard for YOU to make a difference, and what you need to overcome those hurdles. After the core event you may engage in open discussion with some of our speakers and members of our organisation in virtual break-out rooms.
The event will be held in English and is free of charge.
Our own Florian Dehmelt will host the event and moderate the roundtable discussion.
spotlight presentations:
- André Bleich, MHH Hannover
- Sabine Bischoff, Jena University Hospital
- Fabienne Ferrara, ConScienceTrain
- Katharina Hohlbaum, FU Berlin
- Sarah Jeuthe, Lise Meitner School of Science Berlin & Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin Berlin
- Vanessa von Kortzfleisch, U Muenster
- Annemarie Lang, AniMatch & Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Lars Lewejohann, BfR Berlin
roundtable discussion:
- Stephanie Krämer, JLU Giessen
- Emily Sena, U Edinburgh
- Christa Thöne-Reineke, FU Berlin
Is this event for me?
This event is open to anyone who’s interested.
We encourage English-speaking junior researchers across disciplines (MSc students to postdocs), especially those with hands-on experience working with lab animals, or with plans to experience such work in the future, to register for our event.
Our event has no explicit geographic focus, but in case specificity is required (e.g., with respect to regulations and other legal aspects), the situation in Germany will be emphasised.
Registration is now closed. Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed, and let’s keep working together to improve our science, and make our animals a little happier!